Forecast Models Strat Data Long Range Data Pressure Charts Storm Data Radar Data WX Alarm

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The ICON (Icosahedral Nonhydrostatic) is a suit of models created by the German national weather service or DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst). We use the ICON-EU data set which runs at an impressive 7km for the nest size. This model has a very good reputation as being just as good as the main European model the ECMWF. All graphics are made by CW Weather. This model runs out to 120 hours and we run it in 3 hourly time steps. The model updates to 120 hours at 00z, 06z, 12z and 18z but also runs out to 30 hours on the 3z, 9z, 15z, and 21z.

Run Times:

Additional run times will be added soon!!!

All run times are in GMT, +1 hour adjustment for BST .